


Global Optimization Consultants Inc. (GOC) is a leading international business performance company that is based in Canada (Quebec City). GOC specializes in Optimization, Sustainability and Impact Analysis.

GOC team members are all highly skilled researchers and professionals with long experience in delivering quality consultation services and technical support. In addition to their industrial experience, the strength of the team is in the solid scientific background and research records gained over years of academic and professional practices. GOC helps companies in the Oil and Gas, Infrastructure, and the Manufacturing industries to achieve top performance. It benefits from close ties with acclaimed research institutes and universities, including:
* Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (Canada)
* Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada)  
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)  
* Kuwait University

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Call us

(+965) 9919-4993

Global Lead Consultants

Office 10 Floor 4
Engineers Systems Group (ESG) Building
Fahad Al-Salem St.
T: (+965) 9919-4993
e: office@s.glc-im.com

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